``Struggles for tribal rights have to continue''
What purpose does this article serve, apart from trumpeting the self-claimed achievements of Brinda Karat?
Another article from "People's Democracy" paraphrased into CBCNN.
When the Bill was being discussed in the Rajya Sabha, to the amendments moved by her she said, the Union Minster accepted them and all the accepted amendments would form part of the rules.
The amendments suggested by Brinda Karat were accepted in the parliamentary discussion. Good.
However... there are many areas where the struggle will have to continue to ensure that the loopholes and weaknesses in the legislation, are not utilised against tribals and forest dwelling communities," party Polit Bureau member and MP Brinda Karat said in her article in the latest edition of the party organ People's Democracy.
So the question is, why didn't she address the loopholes and weaknesses in the legistlation during the parliamentary debate. The communists need a reason to agitate.
the end of the European century
my latest article.
1 day ago
1 comment:
Even the die-hard desi Marxist mouthpieces can not match the committment that the Madras edition of People's Daily, in promoting single-handedly the Karat couple. It is a wasted day indeed, if CBCNN does not carry even a single word (and a photo to go with it)from the Karat mouths. Of course, the husband-wife team never fails to honour the wishes of the millionaire-Marxist.
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