CPI(M) hits out at RSS-BJP campaign
With CBCNN you have one advantage : you are always up-to-date with the developments, opinions in the communist world. CBCNN achieves this incredible feat of informing the readers by syndicating with the leading leftist rags in the world like Guardian (UK), Xinhua (China) and People' Democracy (India).
"People's Democracy", you ask? I didnt know about this paper myself until CBCNN informed me that it is the party organ of CPI(M). This left me confused. I thought CBCNN is the party organ of CPI(M). Reader's editor K.Narayanan can probably clarify.
Anyway, this article is just a rehash from People's Democracy. Go ahead and read it if you want to experience the twisted arguments of the communists.
the end of the European century
my latest article.
1 day ago
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