Given CBCNN's slant to support Pakistan, it is not surprising that this article appeared in this paper.
The author says that giving scholarships to Pakistani students will help improve relations between the two countries. Inspite of all the good-will measures extended by India, Pakistan has not taken the first step by stopping cross-border terrorism. So why another goodwill geusture?
It is obvious that the only benefeciary of extending scholarships to Paki students would be Pakistan. Some of these "students" will come on an all expenses paid trip to India to establish terror cells. Remember, some of the visitors who came to India to watch the India-Pak cricket match - another goodwill gesture - disappeared mysteriously into the vastness of India.
And what has this people to people contact enabled. What do Pakistani nationals do in India. CBCNN gives us a few hints.
Such a gesture should not be contingent on Pakistan reciprocating. It would, however, become inevitable for Pakistan to allow Indian students too to come study in Pakistan. This would be particularly appropriate in areas such as anthropology and archaeology ...
The author is asking for unilateral action. I wonder, even if Pakistan extended scholarship, who in India would be interested in going and studying there. Indeed, Pakistan has got wonderful archealogical sites but not institutes. There is one area in which Pak specialises and students from all over the world go there to study - International Terrorism.
the end of the European century
my latest article.
8 hours ago
bakwas and nothing other than bakwas.
bakwas means baseless
wud u guide me to get scholarship in businees administration (bba)
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