Rule of law versus rule of judges
The `Hindutva' judgment naturally raised eyebrows all round and for all its claims to independence and its pro-activism, the judiciary was not able to step in and spare the country its two most recent ignominies — the destruction of the Babri Masjid and the Gujarat pogrom of 2002.
Mentioning Hindutva, Babri Masjid and Gujarat is out of context and totally unnecessary. This is just ramblings of a bigoted, asinine mind. Comrade Harish Khare is expecting the judiciary to step in and act on behalf of, or command the police and armed forces. Plain stupidity. Why just stop at Babri Masjid and Gujarat. Also mention in the same line the 1993 and 2006 bomb blasts, Governors trampling the constitution in Goa and Bihar, the character assasination of Kanchi Shankaracharya by the state, etc.
Why is the judgement labelled 'Hindutva'? Just because Comrade-Traitor-Bastard Harish Khare wants to do some name calling.
No democratic order can sustain itself if its critical institutions practise disdain for the aspirations and welfare of large segments of society.
I am keeping this here for reference because I know this moron will write another article very soon saying disdain for majority sentiments is acceptable to appease minorities.
the end of the European century
my latest article.
8 hours ago
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