Monday, August 13, 2007

Fwd: Chindu's mischief

Chindu perhaps finding itself idle and without much of work, decided
to take on the Chief Election Commissioner (and behind this michievous
reporting of casting aspersions on the CEC, is the ulterior motive of
protecting Navin Chawla who sits in the election comission as the de
facto representative of Sonia).

We can also see how Chindu is charitable to Mr. Gopalaswami by saying
he "clarifies", instead of saying his "rebuttal" to Chindu's report.

"Gopalaswami clarifies on Supreme Court affidavit"

Here is Chindu's earlier mischief:

"Gopalaswami's stand opposed"

Special Correspondent

Posted by Anonymous to The Chindu at August 12, 2007 11:43 AM

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