Friday, September 12, 2008

Why Khare epitomizes sycophancy and illogicalness in the Chindu

There are several flavors of writers in Chindu who show all the readers how a newspaper should not be. They range from the ones following blind ideology to the ones following a political master to the ones having specific axes to grind. Harish Khare in his latest article exhibits all the traits of a Congress politician. He starts off in promising fashion detailing the troubles facing the Congress party in the next election. But then he morphs without reason into writing something Arjun Singh or Sheila Dixit would be proud of.
Some nuggets for your consumption:
the Congress can legitimately try to project Ms Gandhi as the iconic leader around whom a new intellectual and ideological narrative can be crafted.

Where exactly did this legitimacy come from Mr. Khare? What did Madame Sonia accomplish, other than attending the Beijing games or not firing Manmohan Singh?
Leadership alone does not sell, especially in this cynical and irreverent age; a leader must be marketed as representing certain values, as subscribing to some ideas on how to fulfil the society’s aspirations, and as advocating some solutions to the polity’s current inflictions.

Hmm Mr.Khare the people expect certain achievements and qualities of a leader. Your definition of a leader would fit Sonia rightly because she has no leadership qualification other than being a wife of...
As a political group that fancies itself as the natural party of governance, the Congress owes it to itself and the country to re-energise national consensus around key strategic and policy issues.
Now who is being naive here Mr. Khare?
Admittedly in this election year the Congress’ pre-occupation naturally would be with winning the coming Assembly and the Lok Sabha polls.

Wow, what next Captain Obvious Harish Khare, a mathematical discovery 1+1=2?
The Congress has to rediscover the world of ideas and ideology.

That Mr. Khare is a true statement, but not going to happen under the current leadership of Madame Sonia and her puppets.


Anonymous said...

"the Congress can legitimately try to project Ms Gandhi as the iconic leader around whom a new intellectual and ideological narrative can be crafted."

I was laughing so hard at this statement... Couldn't agree with rest of your post. This harish khare is such an idiot.

Anonymous said...

..and this Khare abuses the word 'Craft'. For him 'Statecraft' is single minded devotion to Sonia Mata.