V.P. Singh to launch agitation
Mr. Singh pointed out that the CPI (M) was fighting alongside the Jan Morcha in Dadri, Benares (Uttar Pradesh) and in Maharashtra against SEZs and industrial projects on prime farmland, but in West Bengal it was adopting the opposite policy.
Communist hypocrisy is like the elephant in the drawing room; you just cant miss it.
VP Singh critices CPI(M) but CBCNN says in the headlines that he is launching an agitation. Imagine if he were criticising BJP. CBCNN would scream at the top of its voice that he is criticising BJP. Following that would be two bullet-points saying BJP is anti-poor and CPI(M) is the saviour.
CBCNN must fill the alloted space to leftist news. So inadvertently some criticism of CPI(M) may slip in. And so this article. Even then, the criticism is always guaged.
the end of the European century
my latest article.
1 day ago
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