Sunday, November 29, 2009

Modular planning of Taj Mahal

Hat tip to B.Shantanu.
Why is it not surprising that Taj Mahal plan conforms to the traditional Hindu units of measures dating back to the Harappan civilization and very well defined in Arthasastra (300BC). Our secular historians tried to ignore that the Muslims just did not have a single measurement scale for civil engineering purposes. How the muslims could build a structure as complex and intricate as Taj Mahal has never been properly explained.

I find it incredulous to believe that Shahjahan built such a musoleum for his nth wife, who died giving birth to 14th child. Well, we know it; he never really built it. Shahjahan tried his darnedest to erase the infidel iconography on the Taj. But he couldn't possibly change the geometric dimensions, could he.

Dimensional analysis has revealed that the modular planning of the Taj Mahal complex was executed using the traditional measurement units mentioned in the Arthasastra, and, in particular, the vitasti measuring 12 angulams of 1.763 cm. The riverfront terrace and garden sections of the complex were planned using square grids of 90 vitasti to the side, while the forecourt and caravanserai section using square grids of 60 vitasti to the side.

The apparent illogicality in the numbers 23 and 17 of the sides of the grid patterns proposed by him is immediately striking, when the grid sides are expressed in terms of gaz.


Anonymous said...

can you give links to your source ?

B Shantanu said...

Thanks HF.


@Anonymous, the link to Prof Balasubramaniam's article is here:

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