While we all are remembering the anniversary, think of what the leader of India Mr. Manmohan Singh is doing around the anniversary of the dastardly attacks in Mumbai last year.

Dont forget, one year after the incidents the masterminds are still free, people who have lost their families are still in pain. But the leader of India, Mr. Manmohan Weasel Singh is partying.
We shall not forget.
Dont forget, one year after the incidents the masterminds are still free, people who have lost their families are still in pain. But the leader of India, Mr. Manmohan Weasel Singh is partying.
We shall not forget.
Boy, can it get anymore insulting! But then, we get the leaders we deserve :(
May be we should all continue to cry for the rest of the life!
But there are too many anniversaries in India to be remembered about (perhaps one a day). When should we stop crying and start working!
Nandini Sundar
(Professor of Tribal Studies)
Oh, Mao apologist Nandini is here. Huan yin! Welcome!
Let us rather mourn the fall of Communism, shall we? Evil Gorbachev and his Glasnost! Even China moved away from Maoism and all such great ideas, sigh!
Yes, true. Along with the burial of communism, we should also celebrate the (concrete) burial of BJP and its hypocrisy (I hope it is for ever). Hope it does not recover from it (rememer this party did not want to celebrate the Kargil "victory" (if this is what they call it) because it was going to disturb the ongoing talk with Pakistan. The same party did not have any shame in criticising MMS's sharm el sheikh talk.
China moved away from Maoism! Making a plastic toy or a cheap watch is not indicative of moving away from Communism (if this is what you mean by Maoism). Should you not read more about communism and maoism before getting it all wrong. I could see so much of confusion in your response: mao/communsim/maoism/ May be you are not aware that Chinese communists once disowned 20% of maoism not so long ago (if you know anything about it). Typical of Indian education.
Nandini Sundar
(Professor of Tribal Studies)
BJP? Where did BJP come from now?
Ohhhh! Now I understand. Expressing solidarity with Mumbai victims amounts to condemnation of Islamist violence. And that may lead to support for that BJ party, heavens forbid.
So, dear Nandini, let us support Jihad as well, not just Maoism. If they succeed, you will get to wear a purdah and sit at home. Something to long for, right Nandini?
Nandini Sundar: "Professor of tribal studies", must be an interesting area of anthropology.
Which area of discipline is this from? Has it got anything to do with your sympathetic work on Salwa Judum (so you have obviously become a professor of tribal studies). What work have you done to become a professor other than the ones in EPW and the ones edited in your husband's book. Shame on you and your husband Siddhardh Varadarajan. He is propably the only guy staying with The Chindu so long even after getting so many things wrong countless times.
It is laughable that mediocres like you could become professors in India. This is not a first time that a mediocre like you have become a professor. It should be exposed that your husband's friend Jyotirmaya Sharma has become a professor even without Ph.D. Nor that position was advertised in any paper to call for an interview. With people like you, I am sure Indian academia would be doing pretty well.
Agree. We get what we elect. But MMS wasn't even elected by us. Makes it worse.
Agree that people should be forward looking. But wouldn't you agree that we forget the past at our own peril?
The point here was not that we take time off, but rather focus on the task at hand. Our beloved PM MMS rather than addressing the nation, decided to take off to a foreign nation and party. No other leader of a major nation would've left his soil on a similar occasion.
Please understand the facts.
Thx for ur thoughts.
Not sure why the political lesson of BJP or communism vs. maoism is needed here.
Have you visited China recently? I have. If you believe that communism exists in China, you would be certified insane. It is incredibly capitalistic in the economy and a dictatorship politically.
Even the Chinese govt. would laugh if you were to give them a lecture on Maoism vs. commuism.
As expected "professor" Jyotirmaya Sharma came out with a "thought provoking article" (as usual) in Outlook recently regarding the Liberhan report. No surprise to guess what has he written, usual lines.
http://www.outlookindia.com/ printarticle.aspx?263030
yes, i go frequently to China not as a back office worker to do petty software/customer service work (waiting for cheap flights and cheap hotels) but as an intellectual.
Professor Nandini
"Intellectual" Nandini,
That last statement of yours is so non-communist, non-progressive.. no? Or maybe you meant you go wearing heavily tinted glasses.
"Intellectual" Nandini,
That last statement of yours is so non-communist, non-progressive.. no? Or maybe you meant you go wearing heavily tinted glasses.
Only those who need to be credited for their "intellect" claim to be an "intellectual". The true ones never do. Even Newton compared his knowledge to the sand in a baby's hand when the knowledge of ocean was in front of him.
Also the Software and Customer service professionals in the last decade have contributed to India's economy far significant way than your communist "intellectuals" have in 60 years since independence.
"yes, i go frequently to China......but as an intellectual".
INTELLECTUAL (all caps) would make it more appealing and authoritative, particularly more so when the concerned person is from a hallowed (or is it, hollow?) ivory tower like JNU. And to distinguish oneself from lesser mortals such as "petty software professionals".
Chief also frequently goes to China, but as what?
"yes, i go frequently to China......but as an intellectual".
INTELLECTUAL (all caps) would make it more appealing and authoritative, particularly more so when the concerned person is from a hallowed (or is it, hollow?) ivory tower like JNU. And to distinguish oneself from lesser mortals such as "petty software professionals".
Chief also frequently goes to China, but as what?
>>yes, i go frequently to China... cheap hotels) but as an intellectual.
>>Professor Nandini
You cheap communist whore, you go there to pimp urself, slut come to me, will bang your holes all night and pay you a premium 2 rupeees, thats you pay whore
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