The article is filled with subtle insinuations and some damning ones using clever jugglery of words, wild exaggarations and suggestive associations.
What else can we expect from a political formation that draws ideological inspiration from M.S. Golwalkar who wrote in We, Our Nationhood Defined, 1939: "The foreign races in Hindusthan must entertain no idea but those of the glorification of the Hindu race and culture, i.e. of the Hindu nation, and must lose their separate existence to merge in the Hindu race, or [they] may stay in the country, wholly subordinated to the Hindu nation, claiming nothing, deserving no privileges, far less any preferential treatment — not even citizen's rights." Gujarat is today's laboratory for testing and realising not Mahatma Gandhi's vision of Hindu-Muslim amity and communal harmony but Golwalkar's 1939 vision. The Sangh Parivar organisations make no bones about this.
The ideological categorization of Sangh Parivar in the last para is a well orchastrated campaign. The anti-dote suggested is Gandhi's vision of Hindu resistance to Islamic aggression.
Gujarat is today's laboratory for testing and realising not Mahatma Gandhi's vision of Hindu-Muslim amity and communal harmony but Golwalkar's 1939 vision.
Now lets look at what Gandhi wanted the Hindus to do. Full article posted here ( link via greatbong)
Gandhi urges his subjects to end life

Report appalling India riot toll

So by similar categorization, it is fair to say that Gandhi's vision of Hindu-Muslim unity is for Hindus to commit mass suicide.
Our secular wallahs and assorted NGOs have a fancy for certain politcailly correct phrases. One such is "pogrom". They love to use it over and over again, at the slightest pretext, selectively of course. Thus, we never hear about Congress-sponsored "pogrom" of Sikhs in the aftermath of Indira Gandhi's death which resulted in the lynching of innocent Sikhs. For sure, secular sympathsiers of jehadis and Islamic terrorists will never celebrate the anniversary of the ethnic-cleansing of Kashmiri Pandits. To be a victim, one should deserve it and the certificate will be issued only by secular comrades.
Man whoever you are, you are doing a great job for this country by exposing the terrorist N Ram and his buddies. I only wish we could take this to mainstraam from blogosphere. Any ideas of doing a show in FM or TV?. I would luv to contribute anyway I can
Please let me know if you are willing to contribute to this blog. Help me sustain this momentum.
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